Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Feeling much better/quasi scan results

On a scale of 1-10--- 10 being the worst--my headache over the weekend/monday was an 11 (said with a mock British accent, like in the movie Spinal Tap.) Anyway, this morning it was much better--- about 6. And after a slightly higher than recommended dosage of Excedrin, plus a Coke and a bowl of cereal-- it was a 3, so I felt good enough to go into work around 11 am.

It was nice to be back at the office and I got a ton of stuff done. I discovered you can blow off any meeting or phone call simply by saying, "I'm recovering from brain surgery, I can't make it." I've been talking regularly to someone who also went thru this (we met thru a website on this surgery) and she said she had this done over a year ago and continues to use the excuse.

As for the results. The CT scan place puts them online so doctors can see them. Guess who decided to update their servers this morning so no one can see them? Anyway, normally, I'd go nuts over this but I didn't because 1. I'm not supposed to do anything to raise my blood pressure. 2 Since nothing is coming out of my nose/ears/incision-- I know this isn't a spinal fluid leak causing the problem. 3. I'm feeling much better and have been working on my own pain relief cocktail that involves Coca-cola (the cure to everything) that is helping.

Before people lecture me about drugs, let me say that I was told to take caffeine to reduce my headaches. And, despite being offered prescriptions for percacet (sp?), codeine, and other drugs that could get me boocoo bucks on the streets of Baltimore, I can't take any of those. You see, besides the nice legs that I inherited from my mother, I also inherited her tendency to get nauseated by taking any pain relief stronger than aspirin. And I have had enough barfing for more than one lifetime.

Will keep you posted on what the surgeon says about the CT scan results.


Michael said...

Wow, you are a champ! Hang in - hope you are back to good health soon. Thinking of you.
Michael and Ben

Unknown said...

hi susan, sorry for the late post, just got back from vacation with limited access to email. does your headache get worse when you stand up / is it better when you lie down? i'm curious to know what kind of CT scan you got done and what the official results show (too bad it's no longer on line, i could have taken a peek). i'm back in chicago if you need to talk. hang in there, margaret

Kap said...

Good to hear your headache is improving. Thanks to Coca Cola. But you should try with Korean Ginseng. Your headache will be down to -3 from +11. Like to know what your Dr. in Japan will say about the scan images. Love, Mom&Dad

Erica said...

Hope you get good scan results soon!

Unknown said...

Hi Susan and Marty!
Glad to hear about the Coke remedy---I was going to suggest it, but thought I would sound crazy. Caffeine draws fluid into the spine and gives a nice cushion to the base of your brain so it's comfy(my very scientific explanation)...thanks for keeping everyone posted---don't work too hard.
Mary Jo